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Ramiro Castellón


Latin America Desk Analyst

Ramiro Castellón is an Argentine-Italian graduate student at King’s College London’s Department of War Studies. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, Government & Administration (University of Belgrano) and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations & Foreign Affairs (University of Belgrano).Ramiro currently works as an analyst for Global Weekly’s Latin America Desk and as an editor for King’s College London Intelligence & Security Society’s ‘London Security Review’. He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of the ‘Journal of Strategic Affairs of the University of Belgrano’. He has experience as an Assistant Professor at the undergraduate level and has done a year-long internship at the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI). He held research positions at the Research Lab of Argentine Geopolitics of the University of Buenos Aires (LIGA) and the University of Belgrano’s Center for International Studies (CESIUB).


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